The Strategic Lesson of Introspection
Envisioning the Power of Possibility
An Introduction of Thought
Meet the Team
Michelle Halloran
A facilitator of learning, committed to the process of uncovering the magnificent wonders in education. Residing on Long Island, N.Y., with family and friends, the beauty in nature and endless possibilities are enjoyed in all endeavors. Throughout a life-long journey of understanding, the enriching rewards of placing the child at the center of all learning experiences have been abundant in the experiences of raising three children and educating learners. Through strong foundations in family values and collaborative relationships, a passion for enhancing pedagogical practices is at the heart of a
progressive vision.
Timothy R. Miller
Born and raised in the great state of New York, I have had the privilege of learning from the ebbs and flows found within the natural cohesion embodied in the treasures of Long Island. In this unique location, I have had the tremendous honor to draw upon the great inspiration that the blessings of family and friends has bestowed upon me. These inherently interconnected relationships have enriched my life with a strong belief in striving for a continuity that allows for all priorities and viewpoints to merge into a unified approach that fosters growth. Emerson once wrote that, “when you have chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself to the world.” I am drawn by these words as they speak to the importance of engaging place and time with confidence, buttressed by a will to remain true to your convictions. This profound statement has been a beacon that has centered my career as a facilitator of learning, and remains a steadfast principle by which I engage my craft. It is such a perspective that has brought about this repository of thought, as a means to deliver purposeful and fluid compositions designed to envision the power of possibility.